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PLI's Advanced Copyright Law Annual Review

CLL, partner, Richard Dannay is the chair of PLI’s Advanced Copyright Law Annual Review 2013 on April 19, 2013. 

As copyright law has become more complex, this year's program will investigate the following topics:

  • Fair use: can the riddle be solved?
  • Kirtsaeng v. Wiley: will the Supreme Court resolve the first sale doctrine?
  • Has copyright law become “contractualized”?
  • What reforms does the Copyright Act need for the years ahead?
  • Does the DMCA need retooling?
  • What are the latest litigation developments?
  • What are the key international fair use developments?
  • What are the key issues in art law?
  • What are the issues for copyright enforcement in the Internet age?

To register, click here.

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