Kieran Doyle is Co-chairing and Joel Karni Schmidt Will Speak at the PLI Advanced Trademark Law All-day Program
Kieran Doyle is co-chairing the PLI Advanced Trademark all-day program titled “Advanced Trademark Law 2022: Current Issues.” Joel Karni Schmidt will speak at the program together with Jennifer Sheaffer, former Associate General Counsel and Vice President of J. Crew, about the legal and business considerations associated with managing a worldwide trademark portfolio.
The advanced level program will provide an up-to-the-minute review of current trends and case law impacting the practice of trademark law today. Essential for corporate and law firm attorneys who specialize or often find themselves involved in trademark law, the program brings together an outstanding faculty of practitioners, industry experts, and professionals with regulatory insight who will provide information on the most recent developments in trademark law and practice. The program pays special attention to presenting topics emphasizing practical skills.
What You Will Learn:
- Trademark Year in Review
- IP Strategy By Design: Using Design Rights To Protect Innovations
- Statute of Limitations and Laches in Trademark Cases
- Managing a Worldwide Trademark Portfolio: Legal and Business Considerations
- Trademark Prosecution: Focus on Post-Registration: Audits and Trademark Modernization Act Implementation
- Ethical Issues in Trademark Practice Before the USPTO
Click here for more information and to register for the program.