We are Hosting an Association of Corporate Counsel Musical CLE Presentation at the Bitter
We are hosting an Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) musical CLE presentation at the Bitter End titled "McCartney on Trademarks ... and Lennon Too: Key Trademark Concepts Explained Through Beatles Songs." This event will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2022 at The Bitter End, 147 Bleeker Street, New York NY ( between Laguardia and Thompson) from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. followed by a networking/social hour.
A full band, including Tom Kjellberg and the CLL (Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman) All-Stars, will play the Beatles tunes, the attendees will be asked to name the songs, and Kieran Doyle, Jeff Chery, Dasha Chestukhin, and Jennifer Sheaffer, General Counsel of CHANTECAILLE will then explain how the songs relate to key trademark law concepts. One (1) CLE Credit (NY) will be provided.
CLL will donate $20 for every person who attends this ACC program to the TeachRock program of the Rock and Roll Forever Foundation, as part of CLL's CLE4GoodSM program. Steven Van Zandt's Rock and Roll Forever Foundation, TeachRock project brings rich, multimedia educational materials to teachers and students everywhere cost-free. The lesson plans, collections and resources found at www.teachrock.org help teachers engage students by connecting the history of popular music to classroom work across disciplines. From social studies and language arts to geography, media studies, science, general music and more, TeachRock has engaging and meaningful arts integration materials for every classroom. The Founders Board includes Steven Van Zandt (founder), Jackson Browne, Martin Scorsese, Bono and Bruce Springsteen.
This ACC CLE program is offered exclusively to pre-registered members of the New York City ACC chapter. Advance registration is required. More information about how to join the NYC chapter of the ACC, and ACC programming, is available here. See more Events.