Publications Archive
- 03.19.2013
- 10.01.2012
- Yale Law Report, 07.2012
- 06.25.2012
- 02.21.2012
- 02.10.2012
- Winter 2012
- Editor and co-contributor, Winter 2012
- 01.17.2012
- NYSBA’s Bright Ideas, Spring/Summer(Reprinted with Permission), 11.04.2011
- Federal Bar Council Quarterly, September/October/November, 2011
- 09.23.2011
- 08.17.2011
- New York Law Journal, 03.2010
- New York Law Journal, 12.2009
- 06.25.2007
- 06.04.2007
- 05.30.2007
- 04.06.2007
- 03.2007
- 03.12.2007
- 03.09.2007
- 02.16.2007
- Yale Law Report, Winter 2007
- 11.22.2006
- 11.01.2006
- 10.30.2006
- 10.25.2006
- 10.09.2006
- 06.15.2006
- New York Law Journal, 05.2006
- Practising Law Institute, Co-authored , 01.05.2006
- 12.06.2005
- 11.10.2005
- 11.02.2005
- Misappropriation of Trade Secrets in Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts(West Publishing, 2005
- 10.21.2005
- 09.21.2005
- 08.18.2005
- 07.06.2005
- 06.02.2005
- 05.23.2005
- 04.25.2005
- 04.20.2005
- 03.31.2005
- 02.16.2005
- 01.24.2005
- 12.23.2004
- 12.15.2004
- 12.02.2004